
amount receivable中文是什么意思

  • 应收金额
  • 应收款额



  • 例句与用法
  • We shall endeavor to collect the amounts receivable from the ~ s
  • The calculation takes into account the purchase price , principal amount receivable upon maturity , sum of interest payment , and time to maturity
  • Amounts in the sales journal are posted to the subsidiary ledger daily to keep a current record ol the amount receivable from each customer
  • The calculation takes into account the purchase price , principal amount receivable upon maturity , sum of interest payment , and time to maturity
  • Posting goes to the general ledger and to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger , which lists each customer and the amount receivable from that customer
  • The total return on notes is measured by the yield to maturity , which is calculated with reference to the sum of interest payments , principal amount receivable upon maturity , with respect to the purchase price
  • The total return on notes is measured by the yield to maturity , which is calculated with reference to the sum of interest payments , principal amount receivable upon maturity , with respect to the purchase price
  • Without prejudice to other authorities granted to you hereof , you are authorized to apply at any time , without prior notice to me / us , any credit balances ( including amount payable to me / us arising from the sale transaction ) in any currencies to which i / we am / are at any time beneficially entitled on this account and any accounts opened with you to set - off against any liabilities owed to you ( including amount receivable from me / us arising from the purchase transaction ) ; and dispose of securities held for me / us for the purpose of settling any of the amounts payable by me / us to you
    在不影响本协议给予阁下其他授权的情况下,本人/吾等特此授权阁下可于任何时间而无须通知本人/吾等,运用本人/吾等于阁下开设此户口及任何其他户口的任何币值结馀(包括因卖出交易而需支付本人/吾等的款项)抵销任何本人/吾等对阁下之负债(包括因买入交易而需向本人/吾等收取的款项) ;及处置本人/吾等持有的证券作为清偿本人/吾等应支付阁下的款项。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
amount receivable的中文翻译,amount receivable是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译amount receivable,amount receivable的中文意思,amount receivable的中文amount receivable in Chineseamount receivable的中文amount receivable怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
